2-Samuel 9,10

Social pressure

David did not forget his friend Jonathan, Saul's son. He finds Jonathan's son, Mephibosheth (he was lame in both of his legs) and places him at the king's table among his sons and gives him everything that belonged to Saul.

David fought a lot of wars, and the king of Ammonites was loyal to David and David was in peace with him. When the king of Ammonites, Nahash, died David sent his servants to the king's son, Hanun to condole him about his father; But Hanun's advisors said to him  "David has sent his servants to you to search the city and to spy it out and to overthrow in...Hanun took David's servants and shaved off half of the beard of each and cut off their garments in the middle, at their hips, and sent them away." (Ch.10 verses 3-4)

When Ammonites figured out that they were mistaken and that they lost their ally, Israel, they called Syrians to help them to go to war against Israel. Ammonites and Syrians went against Israel. Joab the leader of Israel armies said to his men "Be of good courage for our people, and for the cities of our God, and may the Lord do what seems good to Him." (Ch.10 verse 12)

Israelites defeated Syrians and when Ammonites saw that Syrian's fled they also fled to their city. Syrian's saw that they have been defeated and went to Hadadezer and again formed an army and fought against David, and were defeated and finally made peace with Israel.

Hanun's advisors put doubt in his heart and Hanun acted upon his advisor's feelings and didn't think his actions through.

Today we are influenced by a lot of things that constantly revolve around us: social media, friends, family, enemies, advertisements, and so on. We act to please the audience ignoring the fact that we're acting against God's will.

We all know theses moments in our lives where we had a choice to do what's right or to do what everyone wants us to do. It is most familiar in grade school, and it's called 'peer pressure' but this doesn't only happen in grade school, this continues through our whole life as we call it 'social pressure'. We can experience it at work, in college, at family/friends gatherings, and even at home. But regardless where it happens we should not give in to it, but we must be sure that what we're about say or do is the right and just in God's eyes.

There were moments in my life when someone close to me has done something that they know will hurt me and then later just apologize for it and went on with their life. They knew that this is my soft spot and yet they went ahead and stabbed me there and thought that apology will fix everything. It's hard to trust those people again, or even forgive them.

God is hurt when we know that we're going against His will and still do the wrong things. He is hurt more than any human is, because He sent His only Son to die to us, and as a thank you we continually spit in His heart and at the end of the day praying and apologizing for it, and continue living the same old dirty life style.

Our God is so patient and loving that He is not like us, He forgives us and gives us many, many chances to turn around from our old life and follow his voice to a place were there will be no pain and no tears.

But this time of grace is coming to an end, and then it'll be too late...


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