My God is bigger than any problem I face!

Lately I've been so overwhelmed with the school and my work. I hardly had time to sit down to study the Word of God... I felt to busy all the time and troubled with my thoughts about my plans, my classes, my future.
I now understand that I saw my problems and in my mind they stood higher and bigger than the LORD, and it drove me into a deep pit out of which no one was able to get me out.
When I finally realized where I ended up I reached out to people: my family and friends. I then went back and started studying the Bible, thus I reached out to my LORD and soon after, God gave His hand to me and got me out of that pit.
That deep hole was constant anxiety and a constant feeling of being overwhelmed.
I realized that my God is bigger than any of my problems that I face and make up along the way. He is in control of all things and if I trust in Him, He will do everything according to His will and to my benefit.
My God is bigger than any challenge I face.


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