Listening Ear...

Ever feel like you have no one who can listen to you?
You have people that you are close to, even some people you call best friends, but deep inside you know that they will never fully understand your struggles.

I know that feeling, I get it quite often. I'm sort of an outsider in the "normal" world. First of I got married really young, I am also an immigrant living in America. Being raised in a different cultured household and now blending in American society, it puts me as an outsider in my cultural society. Being raised in the third world country I can never find a common ground with people my age in America, and being blended with American culture I cannot find common ground within my culture with people my age. To add to all that I've been married for a while now and I do not have kids yet, which is a pretty big shock in my culture. There are many more factors that put me outside of "normal" range and sometimes I feel like I'm totally alone, even though I have many friends and my family is very big (I have mare than 70 first cousins). No one, not one person will actually understand and sympathize with me because they literally cannot do that, it's impossible because they are not in my shoes and they never will be.

I often feel left out and awkward because of that. But, GOOD NEWS!!!  I am not alone!!! YOU are NOT alone!!!

There IS a person who was very much an outsider Himself, and no one ever could be in His shoes and sympathize with Him but He did not isolate Himself, He was very much a peoples person. He is JESUS. He was like no other, He was born of Holy Spirit, He was very smart in the Word of God, He was the Son of God. He knew His mission on earth, which was to be a sacrifice for all human race! That really threw Him outside the "normal" boundaries, but even He wanted someone to talk to, someone to be there to listen to Him, and that was His father.

Jesus always made time to pray, to stay in constant communication with His Father. We all need someone to be able to listen to us and understand us.

Jesus is always there to listen to me, and He is the only One who truly can understand and sympathize what I'm going through, and that makes all the difference. He was here on earth, He knows that people are mean and judgmental, He knows that sometimes when people mean well, they end up making things worse, He knows it all, He's been through it all because He lived here on earth!

He knows the struggles and hardships and He in the only One that really knows what you're going through. Reach out to Him, and He will lift your burden that you've been carrying around, He can listen to all your hardships and understand because He loves you and truly cares for You! He is faithful to those who are faithful to Him!


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