2-Samuel 6

God never changed

David is king, the ark of covenant at this time is in a different city. So, David goes with his people to get the ark of God and bring it to Jerusalem. Once the ark was found they decided to place it on a new wagon and transport it this way.
One of the people who was next to the ark was Uzzah. "Uzzah put out his hand to the ark of God and took hold of it, for the oxen stumbled. And the anger of the Lord was kindled against Uzzah, and God stuck him down there because of his error, and he died there beside the ark of God." verse 6

And David was afraid of the Lord because He stuck Uzzah, so he sent the ark of  God to the house of Obed-edom. The ark remained there for three months and Lord had blessed Obed-edom and his whole house.

After three months it was delivered to David that Obed-edom's household was blessed because of the ark of God, and so David decided to bring it back to Jerusalem (city of David).

It was a happy moment and David expressed his joy and gladness through playing on musical instruments and dancing while wearing a linen ephod.

"Michal the daughter of Saul looked out of the window and saw King David leaping and dancing before the Lord, and she despised him in her heart... and Michal the daughter of Saul had no child to the day of her death." verse 16 and 23

David decided to carry the ark of God on a new cart, but God's instruction on how to carry the ark stated that the ark must only be moved by Levites with poles places through rings on the side of the ark. Uzzah was not a Levite and he was involved in carrying the ark on the cart.
God is holy and it was God's presence that was present with the ark but Uzzah treated it like a box and he was struck to death for his error.

David quickly realized that God is an unchanging holy God, He doesn't change like people, His rules stay the same and so he was afraid of the Lord.

Today we often see that people try to update and revise the Bible to fit our current culture or style, we see churches changing the things they believe in to be more styling and up to date. David tried changing the law of God and as a result Uzzah died. To carry the ark on the cart was the Philistines  way of carrying the ark.
David took gentile's idea and brought it to the community of God's people.

Today we bring things and beliefs from the world into our church when we're suppose to bring lights and our belief into the world from being fulfilled with the Word of God from our church.

God did not change, He is the same that He was from the beginning of time. So our standards and belief should not change based on the current style. And yes the world WILL think that we're crazy, they will not understand us, and that's what is written in the Bible. When did Christians start thinking that it'll be easy to follow God carrying their cross? It's written that if Jesus was persecuted and despised by the worlds then we will have the same reaction from the people, we should not expect a perfect life, but we should know that at the end of our battle here on earth we will get to live everlastingly with the Lord of all Kings, Jesus Christ.

People think that when you die, that that's it...but we know that after death your soul and your spirit does not die, and where it goes depends on our life here on earth.


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