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It's true, you never know when your life is going to end.

I was driving home on a highway a few days back and, as the sun was setting everything began to look like silhouettes and shadows. Things on the side of the road and the bridges were just unclear dark objects. The roads were wet from a little drizzle that happened while I was in my college classes, some wet spots on the road reflected the beautiful colorful sunset sky. As I was driving underneath a bridge, going normal 70 mph I saw a large object flying right into my car; I sworled my car into the neighboring lane (Thank God there were no cars around me), and that large dark object just hit the very front of my car,actually just my tires. I don't know how my car did not flip and how i missed this huge object flying right at me, but that could have ended in some many bad ways. But it didn't. I believe and I know, that God was there before I even called out to Him, He was already there (in this situation) looking out for me.

It was not my time to go and I trust Him even more now after this happened, because I know that He is in full control!

While I was driving that evening I was listening to Chip Ingram's sermon about how God is great and He's all powerful, but that He's also very individual and personal. I felt God right next to me in my scary situation, and my all powerful and the greatest God was very personal, and very real!


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