Luke chapter 6

 This morning I was reading the book of Luke chapter 6. This chapter really gives us precise instructions on how to act and how to be Christlike. I tried to really dig deep while I was reading the text, and to be honest with myself I am not even close to being a person who is described in Luke chapter 6.
 I go to church, I read daily Bible verses from the Bible app, I try to meditate, I often pray. But I’ve noticed that when I stay away from reading the text (either by circumstances, or by choice, or laziness) for a while, and come back to it I discovered that I’ve strayed away from the path that perhaps I would have taken if I was reading my Bible every day and meditating on it.
 I don’t know if I completely stop growing in the knowledge of God, but my growth and learning and discovering what Jesus wants me to be definitely slows down to almost none existent.
 Not reading the word of God really suffocates my soul that is reaching and waiting to be satisfied.  I find myself feeling empty, maybe even having pointless reason to be alive...and that’s being a Christian, being raised in church, singing worship song almost everyday, going to Sunday school, reading Bible app daily versus.  I can’t imagine how people feel like not knowing God.  And being in the state I cannot help myself, I cannot help people around me, I feel useless and meaningless. But when I stop and realize that all my problems, confusion, and desperation are coming from not spending enough time with God reading His word and really listening to what He is saying to me, I see that this is really what my soul and heart was desiring.  To be able to give, we must first have… only God can give us true love, patience, understanding and wisdom, that we  can then share with people around us, so then they may come and know God. To really cast my burdens onto Him I must know Him. To know somebody is to have a relationship with them, and relationship is not much of a relationship if two people don’t spend enough time together, at that point they are just two existent beings.

Read Luke chapter 6.


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