Do grey areas exist?

I am constantly reading and researching Bible to learn it and to be able to give an answer to anyone that asks me anything about it. I know that I am connecting to God through it, and I know that He hears my prayers as I read and pray for understanding. Something that I found challenging at this point is grey areas, some subject that the Bible doesn't really talk on like natural birth control, or jewelry wearing, or wearing skirts... etc. 
Yes, there are certain references but they all have their own circumstances and context that they were written in, and I know people take these subjects and find one reference, take it out of the context and make it a tradition or rule to obey in church. A lot of that just screams pharisees, when they made rule upon rule, and their traditions overshadowed what God really intended them to do. 

Today I pray that my faith would be pure and personal, that my understanding of God's Word would be plain and deep. I pray that I never become like a pharisee and live God's way on the outside but be rotten within. I pray to be alive in Christ at all times. 

It's very easy nowadays to find a translation of "Bible" or religion that teaches exactly what you want to hear, rather than the truth, but I want the truth no matter how much it hurts, I want to be purified and sanctified by Him and live as God intended me to live, as His child.   


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