
What’s the deal with Easter, is it even real?

I wonder how many people actually understand the meaning of Easter? Not just people, but people that say they’re followers of Christ.  If you’re celebrating something I would think you need to know the history behind it, right? I might be to naive to believe people care about history these days, but as a firm believer in Jesus Christ history is very important to me.  Yes, history! Jesus Christ was actually alive and did die, and rose from the dead. Some might say that its only recorded in the Bible and how can a person rely on one source?  Well to begin the Bible is 66 different books, so technically it’s not one source. But the events of Jesus’ life, crucifixion, and then Him walking amongst the people after His death was recorded not only in the first 4 books of the New Testament but it was also mentioned in ancient Roman and Jewish history. There were also many folk tales that were orally passed down that mention Jesus of Nazareth... there is so much evidence for Jes

Do grey areas exist?

I am constantly reading and researching Bible to learn it and to be able to give an answer to anyone that asks me anything about it. I know that I am connecting to God through it, and I know that He hears my prayers as I read and pray for understanding. Something that I found challenging at this point is grey areas, some subject that the Bible doesn't really talk on like natural birth control, or jewelry wearing, or wearing skirts... etc.  Yes, there are certain references but they all have their own circumstances and context that they were written in, and I know people take these subjects and find one reference, take it out of the context and make it a tradition or rule to obey in church. A lot of that just screams pharisees, when they made rule upon rule, and their traditions overshadowed what God really intended them to do.  Today I pray that my faith would be pure and personal, that my understanding of God's Word would be plain and deep. I pray that I never become like

See Him all around!

Garden a Little God is so magnificent  and almighty! I’m always in awe of His glory! I grew up in a family that was very close to self-sufficiency. We grew what we ate and in that I was taught of clean and delicious eating, while maintaining the health and joy in life! I love plants and especially plants that bear fruit or harvest that is able to be consumed by me and  give me health and strength. God created it that way and I love it! In watching plants grow you see so much of His character in the whole growing process. Start small Garden a little is the name of my dream garden. I’m sharing this because gardening can be so easy and yet so helpful and therapeutic, and able to connect us closer to our Creator.

Luke chapter 6

 This morning I was reading the book of Luke chapter 6. This chapter really gives us precise instructions on how to act and how to be Christlike. I tried to really dig deep while I was reading the text, and to be honest with myself I am not even close to being a person who is described in Luke chapter 6.  I go to church, I read daily Bible verses from the Bible app, I try to meditate, I often pray. But I’ve noticed that when I stay away from reading the text (either by circumstances, or by choice, or laziness) for a while, and come back to it I discovered that I’ve strayed away from the path that perhaps I would have taken if I was reading my Bible every day and meditating on it.  I don’t know if I completely stop growing in the knowledge of God, but my growth and learning and discovering what Jesus wants me to be definitely slows down to almost none existent.  Not reading the word of God really suffocates my soul that is reaching and waiting to be satisfied.  I find myself feeling

Listening Ear...

Ever feel like you have no one who can listen to you? You have people that you are close to, even some people you call best friends, but deep inside you know that they will never fully understand your struggles. I know that feeling, I get it quite often. I'm sort of an outsider in the "normal" world. First of I got married really young, I am also an immigrant living in America. Being raised in a different cultured household and now blending in American society, it puts me as an outsider in my cultural society. Being raised in the third world country I can never find a common ground with people my age in America, and being blended with American culture I cannot find common ground within my culture with people my age. To add to all that I've been married for a while now and I do not have kids yet, which is a pretty big shock in my culture. There are many more factors that put me outside of "normal" range and sometimes I feel like I'm totally alone, eve

Read this...

It's true, you never know when your life is going to end. I was driving home on a highway a few days back and, as the sun was setting everything began to look like silhouettes and shadows. Things on the side of the road and the bridges were just unclear dark objects. The roads were wet from a little drizzle that happened while I was in my college classes, some wet spots on the road reflected the beautiful colorful sunset sky. As I was driving underneath a bridge, going normal 70 mph I saw a large object flying right into my car; I sworled my car into the neighboring lane (Thank God there were no cars around me), and that large dark object just hit the very front of my car,actually just my tires. I don't know how my car did not flip and how i missed this huge object flying right at me, but that could have ended in some many bad ways. But it didn't. I believe and I know, that God was there before I even called out to Him, He was already there (in this situation) lo


How many times have someone's words gotten you down, just really hurt you? It hurts even worse when those words are spoken by your loved ones. Although it is important to be honest and direct it is also important to realize that we should not pay attention to every word people say to us. (Surely there is not a righteous man on earth who does good and never sins.Do not take to heart all the things that people say, lest you hear your servant cursing you. Your heart knows that many times you yourself have cursed others. Ecclesiastes 7: 20-22) It can be difficult to know what things to pay attention to and which to ignore and move on. No one knows you better than Jesus Christ, so leave it up to Him. I give it all to God and He reassures me that I am His and shows me from His Word what I need to work on, and what I need to change.